Steve Higgins Morrison’s Manager

60 Second Interview by Mark Bixter

I caught up with Steve Higgins store manager for Morrison’s Streatham, one of our sponsors for the food festival. I got some ready meals to take away which I’ll be writing about soon. I also got a cup of tea from the Morrison’s canteen which I promised not to write about! This is what Steve had to say in our 60 second interview.

How long have you been managing Morrison’s Streatham and what have you been most proud of?

Steve: I’ve been manager for 2 years, since the store opened. I am particularly proud of a customer service programme that I put in place. The staff really embraced it and ran with it, and the customer feedback has been great.

Can you tell me something unusual that has happened in your time working at Morrison’s?

Steve: Once I went down to check on the car park and there was an old lady stood there with a trolley full of shopping. It turned out her dial-a-ride had left her there. I called them up to ask them to return and they refused, so I decided I’d give her a lift back to Brixton. On the way she told me all about the war and gave me her life story.

What is your favourite foodie spot in Streatham?

Steve: The Hideaway. It does great food and has great entertainment. It is a jazz bar cum restaurant, like having our own Ronnie Scott’s in Streatham.

When you cook what is your signature dish?

Steve: Well it’s not one I cook myself but my wife’s beef stew and dumplings with mash. It’s good traditional British food.

Do you know any hidden gems in Streatham that you’d like to share?

Steve: Again, I’d have to say the Hideaway.

What is your foodie guilty pleasure?

Steve: I can’t get enough of Onken Cherry Yoghurt, I know I’ve been good if I find one in the fridge.

What would your last meal be?

Steve: Well I may opt for the beef stew and dumplings again, but if not that then chicken tikka masala with rice.

If you were a Morisson’s ready meal what would you be and why?

Steve: I’d be a shepherd’s pie I think. They are traditional and a good family meal, representing family values like me.